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Holiday Tips

The holiday season is upon us. So the elves at Aestiva assembled a half-dozen free ways to improve your Power Office experience.

The tips apply to any Power Office application -- whether you automated processes related to procurement, accounting, expense management, time tracking, human resources, or something else.

Happy holidays.

Tip #1: Get Skinny
Is your View and Edit screen too wide and bulky? Are the buttons too far to the right? Maybe you need to reduce the width of your columns. Start off the New Year with nicer screens.

Here's how to do that: Place a maximum size on your columns. To do this, log in as the admin. Then, at the top of the View and Edit screen, click the "To edit display settings, click here" link. You'll see a Max Width setting at the bottom of the screen. Adjust to your preferences and click Save. (Note: Feature not recommended with double-byte languages such as Kanji or Chinese). Need some help? Support would be happy to walk you through these changes.

Tip #2: Squeeze A User
Need to squeeze another user out of your Power Office product without paying a licensing fee? Try disabling the admin user. Since Power Office licensing only counts active users, disabling the admin reduces your user count by one. Note: You will still be able to log in from the Aestiva Array desktop as admin.

Tip #3: Have A Brand-y!
Want to brand your Power Office application with your logos and colors? Go to the Systems - Advanced screen. There you'll find an option called "Header Images."

The option allows you to swap the Power Office images used in the header with your own images. For further instructions, click "Turn Help On" at the top of this screen. The help will give you more details on the type, size and kind of images needed. Or call support. They can help too.

Tip #4: Get Some Highlights
Want to add a thick border around an input box on a Power Office form? Perhaps to give it emphasis? Here's how. Suppose the input box is called MYTEXTBOX.

To add a highlight go to the "Data Menus - Forms" screen for your form. On this Form Design Center screen there will be an option called Components. Click the pencil to the right of the Components option. This will place you on the Components screen where you can select the component you wish to highlight.

To select the MYTEXTBOX component, click the edit pencil to the left of its name. This will bring its settings to the top of the screen. One of the settings is called "HTML Input Extension." paste the following into the setting box:

style="border: 2px solid green;"

Then save and test. This will place a 2-pixel wide green border around the input box. Change the "2px" width and color "green" in the setting, as needed.

If this sounds a bit too techie... no worries. Call customer support. They'll walk you through these steps.

Tip #5: Feel More Secure
Want users to re-enter their password before approving or rejecting a form? To turn on this added security feature call Aestiva support. It's available at no additional charge.

Tip #6: Score a Win
Want to see how fast your server is? Aestiva has a "benchmark" tool you can run that tests how well your server scores against others. Proper performance ranges are provided to ensure your server is performing at proper levels. To set up a test, call Aestiva support. Benchmark tests are provided free of charge.

Have a Happy Holiday Season!

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